City, Country | Offenbach, Germany | |
Year | 2007–2010 | |
Client | City of Offenbach, Germany | |
Architect | EEG Entwicklung Erschließung Gebäudemanagement | |
Services | Structural Engineering | |
Facts | Passive house standard | Extension total: 3,800 m² |
The city of Offenbach has refurbished and extended three grammar schools to passive house standards during operation. At the Rudolf Koch School (1), a cafeteria, a massive pavilion built to low-energy building standards, was constructed. Classrooms and a three-storey media centre have also been built.
The Albert Schweitzer School (2) has recently constructed a new specialized classroom wing covering an area of approximately 1,500 m². This new wing meets the energy consumption standard of a passive house. Additionally, the existing specialized classroom wing from the 1970s has been renovated and repurposed as a cafeteria, among other things.
Approximately 1,115 square meters of new space was added to the Leibniz School (3). A cafeteria was also constructed next to the gymnasium, meeting the low-energy building standard. An extension for the administration was built on the south side. All three construction projects were carried out while the school was in operation. The energy-saving measures are expected to result in a total reduction of 267,000 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year.