Man from B+G with helmet and safety vest from behind

We are Bollinger+Grohmann

We are engineers driven by passion for high-quality architecture, sustainable solutions and technical innovation.

This passion has motivated Klaus Bollinger, Manfred Grohmann, and their team since the company’s foundation in 1983.

Over the years, we have had the opportunity to work on exceptional projects with inspiring collaborators whose ideas challenged us to continuously excel at our work in structural engineering, façade engineering, building physics and fire engineering. Today, we reside in 20 offices in ten countries across the world.


Our objective is to strengthen and enhance each design

Our interdisciplinary design approach integrates architecture, building technology, and construction, creating societal and economic value for our clients and society.

Likewise, the diverse skills of our team allow us to develop tailored solutions with architects, clients, construction companies, and the industry.

Our prime focus is the strengthening and enhancement of each design brief by bringing inspiration, innovation, efficiency, and sustainability to every project and process we engage with.

Construction site of Bauhaus Archive Tower
© Marcus Ebener

We promote responsible and creative engineering

Our task is to establish a process to deliver functional, technical, and aesthetical structures while achieving high sustainability goals.

With our commitment to careful analysis of the environmental effects in each project phase, we aim to reduce environmental impacts by any means possible through a creative and sensible approach to the projects.

Person on a roof top under construction
Metal shelf with objects of different sizes made of wood, glass, and metal
© Hervé Goluza
Proof of concept

We implement innovative concepts and continuously research to be better engineers

Ongoing studies with high-level research projects provide valuable feedback that lays the groundwork for our approach to each new project. These pilot projects aim to impact the building industry and set new standards for sustainability in planning and construction.

We see implementing innovative concepts into engineering praxis as an elementary part of our work and encourage the development of solutions within the team and with external collaborators.

People working in a B+G office

We are partners within an interdisciplinary planning and design team

Our goal is to deliver efficient engineering for complex briefs and multi-layered challenges. Our clients and collaborators can rely on our company’s international experience and network of engineers.

In addition to environmental concerns and resource-conscious design, we regard healthy project finances, social responsibility, technical excellence, and good craftsmanship as fundamental elements of our work.


We are an accomplished international team with projects across the globe

Our team comprises talented structural engineers, architects, technical drafters, and office support, who add a manifold of skills and knowledge to our work and culture.

Development of individual skills is encouraged and supported through internal education and training that focuses on technical excellence and communication exchange. With meaningful in-person and digital cross-office collaborations and our internal ‘B+G ERASMUS’ program, we strive to improve knowledge exchanges, workflows, and project deliveries.

Team meeting around a table
People testing a VR prototype

We support growth through innovation, research, and development

We are passionate supporters of research and learning, with many of our team members teaching at respected institutions worldwide.

We regard individual development and research as an essential part of individual and collective growth; hence, supporting the spread of innovative ideas improves not only our workflow but also the workflows of the construction industry.

Selected Awards

BATISOBRE 2023 - Ademe
Trophy for sober construction - circular economy and reuse 2024

City of Oslo Architecture Award
2024: Former U.S. Embassy →

Sundts Prize for 2022–2023
Sundts Prize for 2022–2023 2024: Former U.S. Embassy →

ASI Steel Excellence Awards 2024 - National Winner

BREEAM Award (New Build of the Year), Norwegian Green Building Council
2024: The Plus →

ASI Steel Excellence Awards 2024 - State Winner
ASI 2024 Steel Excellence Awards for Buildings – Small Projects 2024

Emerige RIBA International Awards for Excellence
RIBA International Awards for Excellence 2024: La Félicité →

Docomomo US Modernism in America Design Excellence Award
Civic/Institutional Design Excellence Award 2024: Former U.S. Embassy →

EUmiesaward - Shortlisted

City of Courcelles-lès-Lens Archello Awards
Library Building of the Year - 3rd place 2023

Private Betongtavlen
Winner 2023

The Oslo Architects' Association's Architecture Prize 2023

Informationsverein Holz e.V. Deutscher Holzbaupreis
1st prize 2023: Town Hall Hainburg →

Département du Nord Eiffel Architecture Prize
Lauréat culture 2023

EU Mies van der Rohe Awards
nominee 2022: Tondo footbridge →

laureate category 'Specific elements in steel' 2022: Tondo footbridge →

Brussels Architecture Prize
nomination ‘small intervention‘ 2021: Tondo footbridge →

CTBUH - Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat CTBUH Award of Excellence Winner
"Best Tall Building 100 - 199 meters" 2021

Stadt Frankfurt am Main Internationaler Hochhauspreis
Finalist 2020

Stadt Frankfurt am Main Internationaler Hochhauspreis
Finalist 2020

Ghezzo GmbH und Drees & Sommer Green & Blue Building Award
2020: Ilse Wallentin Haus →

ConstruirAcier ConstruirAcier Trophée Eiffel
1st prize 2020

Norske arkitekters landsforbund; Norsk Betongforening Betongtavlen
Winner 2020: Deichman Bjørvika →

LUCA, Luxembourg Luxembourg Architecture Award
Audience award 2019

AMO, Ontario AMO Award
Prix du meilleur catalyseur urban 2019

Infosteel, Brüssel Construction acier
Prix du Jury / Prix du Public 2019

AMO, Ontario AMO Award
Prix du lieu le mieux produktif 2019: Frans Masereel Centrum →

National Trust Heritage Award for the Most Outstanding Project of the Year
2018: Interloop →

ÉQUERRE D’ARGENT 2018 / Culture, Jeunesse, Sport
2018: Quai de la Moselle →

ESCN European Concrete Award
2nd prize 2018

ACSE Award for Excellence in Structural Engineering
2018: Interloop →

Austrian Green Planet Building, Vienna Austrian Green Planet Building Award
Award 2018: Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Center →

ConstruirAcier Trophées Eiffel d’architecture acier
Winner in the "Divertir" category 2018: Quai de la Moselle →

Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat; Bundesingenieurkammer Deutscher Ingenieurbaupreis
Recognition 2018

Landesinnung Holzbau Steiermark, Graz Holzbaupreis Steiermark
Category: Holzbau grenzenlos 2017: MIBA Forum →

bauforumstahl e.V. Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaues
Recognition 2016: ECB - European Central Bank →

CTBUH Best Tall Building Europe
Finalist 2016: ECB - European Central Bank →

Le Moniteur Equerre d’argent
1st prize 2016: Lieu de Vie →

BMUB und BIngK Deutscher Ingenieurbaupreis
Recognition 2016: ECB - European Central Bank →

IREM Universität Stuttgart industriebaupreis
Special prize "building" 2016

bauforumstahl e.V. Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaues
Recognition 2015: National Library of King Fahad →

bauforum stahl Ingenieurpreis des Deutschen Stahlbaues
Award 2015: National Library of King Fahad →

Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl Stahl-Innovationspreis
Category "steel in the construction sector" 2015

DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt DAM Preis für Architektur 2015: Die 22 besten Bauten in/aus Deutschland
Recognition 2015: ECB - European Central Bank →

CTBUH Council on Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat Best Tall Building Europe
Award of Excellence 2014: Vienna DC Tower 1 →

bauforumstahl e.V. Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaues
Special prize 2014

Architizer Architizer A+ Jury Award
Jury Winner; Category Theatres + Performing arts Centers 2013

Groupe Moniteur Equerre d'Argent
2013: Louvre Lens →

Bauen mit Stahl e.V. Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaues
Award 2008: BMW Welt →

Concours Construction Acier
1 st prize 2007

RIBA- Royal Institute of British Architects, London RIBA European Award
Award 2004: Kunsthaus Graz →

Europäischer Stahlbaupreis
2001: UFA Palace →

Deutscher Stahlbaupreis
1996: Infobox at Potsdamer Platz →


15.09.2022 - 15.09.2027
Digital collective exhibition by NAX, NAX

02.06.2021 - 02.07.2021
Queens of Structure: Projekte und Positionen von Bauingenieurinnen
Projekte und Positionen von Bauingenieurinnen, Technische Universität Berlin

05.09.2020 - 31.10.2020
urbainable – stadthaltig
Positionen zur europäischen Stadt für das 21. Jahrhundert, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

27.02.2019 - 21.04.2019
Haute Agora
Pavillon De L'Arsenal 2019, Paris

20.10.2016 - 03.11.2016
Faszination Bauprozess
Von der Idee zur gebauten Realität, Max Frank, Max Frank Saal, Leiblfing

16.06.2016 - 24.07.2016
Vonalak és felületek:
Linien und Flächen, MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary

13.04.2016 - 23.04.2016
Faszination Bauen
Bollinger+Grohmann, KAZimKUBA, Kassel

09.03.2016 - 17.03.2016
baukunst - arte del costruire
Ausstellung über Bollinger+Grohmann, Galleria Veniero project, Palermo, Italien

30.10.2015 - 22.11.2015
Faszination Bauprozess
Von der Idee zur gebauten Realität - Ingenieurbaukunst von Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure, Oskar von Miller Forum, München

21.07.2015 - 29.07.2015
Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure, Frankfurt:
"Architecture and Structure - just a simple love affair", The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Design, Dulux Gallery

15.06.2013 - 01.09.2013
Hinter den Kulissen
Bollinger+Grohmann, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt

06.06.2012 - 12.08.2012
Choreographie der Massen
Im Sport. Im Stadion. Im Rausch., Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Pariser Platz, Berlin

08.11.2011 - 04.12.2011
Architekturbiennale Sao Paulo
Deutscher Beitrag: Baukultur made in Germany, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo

03.03.2008 - 04.04.2008
Double Edge
Bollinger+Grohmann and Mutsurou Sasaki, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, Los Angeles, Perloff Gallery, Los Angeles

21.10.2004 - 19.01.2005
digital workflow - bollinger+grohmann
Weissenhofgallerie, Stuttgart

Bollinger + Grohmann

Bollinger + Grohmann
DETAIL engineering 3

Editors: Christian Schittich, Peter Cachola Schmal
Publisher: DETAIL; 2013
Language: English; German


Struktur – Architektur, Architecture – Engineering
Klaus Bollinger + Manfred Grohmann

Editor: Peter Cachola Schmal
Publisher: Birkhäuser; 2004
Language: Bilingual; English, German


A-U-F e.V. , Aluminium Wertstoffkreislauf ↗

AdK, Akademie der Künste ↗

AHK Frankreich, Deutsch-Französische Industrie- und Handelskammer ↗

AHK Norwegen, Deutsch-Norwegische Handelskammer ↗

AISC, American Institute of Steel Construction ↗

AIV Frankfurt, Architekten- und Ingenieur Verein e.V. ↗


Az W, Architekturzentrum Wien ↗

Bayik, Bayerische ingenieurekammer - Bau ↗

BK, Baukammer Berlin ↗

CTBUH, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat ↗

DAfStb, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton e.V. ↗

DAM, Gesellschaft der Freunde des Deutschen Architektur Museums e.V. ↗

DSTV, Deutscher Stahlbau-Verband e.V. ↗

DUIHK, Deutsch-Ungarische Industrie- und Handelskammer ↗

FKG Fachverband Konstruktiver Glasbau e.V. ↗

Förderverein der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences e.V. ↗

Frankfurter Stiftung für Forschung und Bildung ↗

GBA Grønn byggallianse ↗

Grønn Byggallianse - Norwegian Green Council Building

HIKB, Hamburgische Ingenieurkammer - Bau

IASS, International Association for shell and spatial structures ↗

IK-Bau, Ingenieurkammer-Bau Nordrhein-Westfalen ↗

INGBW, Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg ↗

Ingenieur Baukunst e.V. ↗

IngKH - Ingenieurkammer des Landes Hessen ↗

KAZimKUBA e.V. ↗

Magyar Mérnöki Kamara ↗

NAX, Netzwerk Architekturexport ↗

NGBC, Norwegion Green Building Council ↗

Österreichischer Stahlbauverband ↗

RIF, Rådgivende Ingeniørers Forening ↗

StartBANK ↗

Stiftelsen Miljøfyrtårn ↗

VBI, Verband Beratender Ingenieure e.V. ↗

VDI, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. ↗

zt: Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen, ArchitektInnen und IngenieurInnen für Wien ↗

Public lectures

Digitalization and Complexity

Lecture by Manfred Grohmann at the 20th buildingSMART - Forum in Berlin

Open systems & structural design

Lecture by Klaus Bollinger on the Viennese Lecture Week of the Soutern California Institute of Architecture